Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Harvest time! Hmmm...what to do with a bag of basil?

Forecast calls for rain. What's new in Vancouver, eh? So, hubby and I decided to take the kids out and 'harvest' the tomatoes, beans, zucchini, Japanese squash and basil. Oh, there was plenty. We had started picking our veggies earlier in June. Now, it's nearing the end. Only things left are the pumpkin, some type of squash and chayote. Not sure if the latter will survive or bear fruit. We'll see...
The tomatoes were fantastic this year. So many and so sweet. We mainly had the cherry variety but also some heirloom type.
Then the basil was plenty but I think I left it too long. If I had harvested last month, it would have been a bit fresher but nonetheless, it is still good.
So, with tomatoes and basil, I did what was only natural - made tomato and basil salad. Sliced up the tomatoes (not the cherry ones), sprinkled ripped basil, salt and pepper then doused with evoo. Oooooh, it was heavenly! The end of summer dish that just delivers and makes you remember what summer is all about. Until next year, my garden, my dear garden...

Milestones @PNE

So, on Monday, we decided to take little boy-boy and mui-mui to the annual fair in Vancouver (aka PNE). It was more like hubby W wanted to do it as a tradition. I didn't grow up in Vancouver so never really had that tradition. Anyway, I only agreed to go if it was on a day that wasn't crowded. So, that was Monday.
We didn't expect much and maybe that's a good thing. Did the usual Marketplace look-about, buying something that we probably use once or never - that was the Crystal nail file this year. We also bought tix to win PNE prize home. Figured that we probably wouldn't win 'cuz usually someone who doesn't need it wins.
Missed out on all the concerts but got to bring boy-boy on the rides. We took him last year too but he really didn't understand them as much. But, what a diff one year makes! He just couldn't wait to get on the rides. He went on the cars, boat, merry-go-round, etc. And then, we got the milestone. He and a couple of friends went on the elephant (Dumbo) ride ALL by themselves. It was a *gasp* moment. It was like a a flash peek into the future. I really didn't know what to think. He was just having such a good time. It's just so priceless and totally makes me happy to be a parent.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I'm baaack....but not as tomato

Recently, I've had so many thoughts flying through my head that I felt I had to spill it all out. It was like an endless conversation with myself in my head! Crazy. Hence I thought that blogging might save me - make room in my mind. :)
I guess I'm also now blogging because I don't have a lot of time to call and talk to friends anymore. At least not with 2 kids in tow. M and I keep my schedule jam packed.
I also know that this blog affords me the characters that Twitter and Facebook just don't. So, that's why I've called my blog "what's on my mind?" I think it's à propos.
So, come silly or profound thoughts and complaints or what-have-you, my blog is my tub where I can spill out my mind. If we can't get in touch, come by and see what I've been up to. Even though it totally doesn't make up for face-to-face, it's at least a connection, albeit online. :)
p.s. my previous blog was under tomato because that's what I love to eat. Life's changed so nellobaby it is.

Lynelle aka nellobaby